Youth Ministry

6th-12th grade

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus through discipleship, nurturing, and accountability.

Discipleship Sunday

Every Sunday at Church from 11 AM -12 PM.

Every Sunday, our students participate in praise and listen to a short sermon. Afterwards, they break into small groups led by our trained shepherds to facilitate an open discussion on the sermon with guided questions. These questions are designed to help them understand the Bible and learn about God.

Nurturing Friday

Every Friday night at Church from 7-9 PM.

On Friday nights, our students have the chance to connect and fellowship with one another through praise, conversations, discussions, and games. Just like on Sundays, they break into small groups to share their lives with one another. It is an opportunity for them to express the highs and lows of their week.

Accountability Everyday

To support our students in their journey with God, we offer a collective daily Bible and devotional reading plan. An assigned shepherd will check in regularly to help them stay on track and provide mentorship as needed.

Join a Group

  • Middle School Girls

    Lead Shepherd is Chloe R.

  • Middle School Boys

    Lead Shepherd is Zach C.

  • High School Co-ed

    Lead Shepherd is Karis P.

  • High School Co-ed

    Lead Shephered is Emily R.

Youth Retreat

Each year our Youth "retreat" to a spiritual space where they disconnect from their phones and re-connect with God, peers, and themselves.

For real-time updates, check out our Youth Instagram @clcc.yg